When I moved back to the Emirates a really cool friend of mine, A, invited me to join a book club that she'd set up the year before. I was pretty excited about the idea and figured it'd be a great way to make sure I caught up with a group of friends at least once a month and drag me out of my anti-social cave (also known as my bedroom)
Aside from stimulating conversation, the cheeky joke here and there and letting your hair down with your girlfriends, did I mention A throws the BESTFOODBOOK CLUBS EVER?

Aside from stimulating conversation, the cheeky joke here and there and letting your hair down with your girlfriends, did I mention A throws the BEST
Needless to say the abundant amounts of treats were a selling point my sweet tooth couldn't resist saying no to!
The first rule of book club: no calorie counting. The second rule of book club: emphasising the first rule.
multiple and varying types of tea to wash all that yumminess down
because of our lovely winter weather, a cool-but-not-too-cold 20 degrees (Arab winter = British summer) we got to sit outside and make the best of the temperature
Our latest book was Madeline Miller's debut novel Song of Achilles (we ordered it off Amazon but Kinokuniya sell it as well), a take on the Iliad by Homer from Patrocolus's perspective - Achille's beloved companion.
I don't want to get into the book too much and ruin the story for anyone, but the book was really well received in our group and everyone was in love with Miller's story and style of writing. If you're interested in learning more about Greek mythology or simply want to be engrossed in an easy-reading book then the girls at our club would recommend this for you.
A plus is that the back of the book actually has some discussion questions to help you out which makes a great aid for book club discussions!
After some more tea our book club retired for the night but not before I noticed A's very funky shoes and socks:
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